All About You by McFly - Guitar Chords

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Version 1 Version 3
            Capo 1 fret.


C            Am         Dm             G
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
C            Am         Dm             G
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby

[Verse 1]

C             E                    Am
Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew
      Dm               G                    C     G7
So I told you with a smile, its all about you
C                  E                 Am 
Then you whispered in my ear and you told me to
         Dm                     G                    C     C7
Said you made my life worth - while, it’s all about you
    F              Fm
And I would answer all your wishes
C             E     Am
If you asked  me    to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
G                   G7
Don’t know what I’d do
    C                 E                         Am      
So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
        Dm                G                    C     G
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, It’s all about you


C   E   Am   
F   G    C    C7

[Verse 2]

    F               Fm
And I would answer all your wishes
C            E    Am
If you asked me   to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
G                   G7
Don’t know what I’d do   so

C                  E                       Am        
Hold me close and say three words like you used to do
        Dm              G
Dancing on the kitchen tiles,
        F                    G
Yes you made my life worth - while
      F               Fm           
So I told you with a smile, PAUSE

It’s all about you


C            Am       Dm               G
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
C            Am       Dm               G
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
C            Am       Dm               Fm
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
It’s all about you,    


D            Bm         Em             A
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
D            Bm         Em             A
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby

[Verse 3]

D             F#                   Bm
Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew
      Em               A                    D     A7
So I told you with a smile, its all about you
D                  F#                Bm
Then you whispered in my ear and you told me to
         Em                     A                    D     D7
Said you made my life worth - while, it’s all about you
    G              Gm
And I would answer all your wishes
D             F#    Bm
If you asked  me    to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
A                   A7
Don’t know what I’d do
    D                 F#                        Bm
So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
        Em                A                    D     A
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, It’s all about you

D   F#  Bm
G   A    D    D7

[Verse 4]

    G               Gm
And I would answer all your wishes
D            F#   Bm
If you asked me   to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
A                   A7
Don’t know what I’d do   so

D                  F#                      Bm
Hold me close and say three words like you used to do
        Em               A
Dancing on the kitchen tiles,
        G                    A
Yes you made my life worth - while
      G               Gm
So I told you with a smile, PAUSE

It’s all about you


D            Bm       Em               A
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
D            Bm       Em               A
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
D            Bm       Em               Gm
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
It’s all about you,    


F            Dm         Gm             C
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
F            Dm         Gm             C
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby

[Verse 5]

F             A                    Dm
Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew
      Gm              C                    F     C7
So I told you with a smile, its all about you
F                  A                 Dm
Then you whispered in my ear and you told me to
         Gm                    C                    F     F7
Said you made my life worth - while, it’s all about you
    Bb             Bbm
And I would answer all your wishes
F             A     Dm
If you asked  me    to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
C                   C7
Don’t know what I’d do
    F                 A                         Dm
So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
        Gm               C                    F     C
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, It’s all about you


F   A   Dm
Bb  C    F    F7

[Verse 6]

    Bb              Bbm
And I would answer all your wishes
F            A    Dm
If you asked me   to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
C                   C7
Don’t know what I’d do   so

F                  A                       Dm
Hold me close and say three words like you used to do
        Gm              C
Dancing on the kitchen tiles,
        Bb                   C
Yes you made my life worth - while
      Bb              Bbm
So I told you with a smile, PAUSE

It’s all about you


F            Dm       Gm               C
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
F            Dm       Gm               C
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
F            Dm       Gm               Bbm
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
It’s all about you,    


G            Em         Am             D
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
G            Em         Am             D
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby

[Verse 7]

G             B                    Em
Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew
      Am               D                    G     D7
So I told you with a smile, its all about you
G                  B                 Em
Then you whispered in my ear and you told me to
         Am                     D                    G     G7
Said you made my life worth - while, it’s all about you
    C              Cm
And I would answer all your wishes
G             B     Em
If you asked  me    to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
D                   D7
Don’t know what I’d do
    G                 B                         Em
So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
        Am                D                    G     D
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, It’s all about you


G   B   Em
C   D    G    G7

[Verse 8]

    C               Cm
And I would answer all your wishes
G            B    Em
If you asked me   to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
D                   D7
Don’t know what I’d do   so

G                  B                       Em
Hold me close and say three words like you used to do
        Am               D
Dancing on the kitchen tiles,
        C                    D
Yes you made my life worth - while
      C               Cm
So I told you with a smile, PAUSE

It’s all about you


G            Em       Am               D
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
G            Em       Am               D
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
G            Em       Am               Cm
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
It’s all about you,    


A            F#m        Bm             E
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
A            F#m        Bm             E
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby

[Verse 9]

A             C#                   F#m
Yesterday you asked me something I thought you knew
      Bm               E                    A     E7
So I told you with a smile, its all about you
A                  C#                F#m
Then you whispered in my ear and you told me to
         Bm                     E                    A     A7
Said you made my life worth - while, it’s all about you
    D              Dm
And I would answer all your wishes
A             C#    F#m
If you asked  me    to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
E                   E7
Don’t know what I’d do
    A                 C#                        F#m
So hold me close and say three words like you used to do
        Bm                E                    A     E
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, It’s all about you


A   C#  F#m
D   E    A    A7

[Verse 10]

    D               Dm
And I would answer all your wishes
A            C#   F#m
If you asked me   to
But if you deny me one of your kisses
E                   E7
Don’t know what I’d do   so

A                  C#                      F#m
Hold me close and say three words like you used to do
        Bm               E
Dancing on the kitchen tiles,
        D                    E
Yes you made my life worth - while
      D               Dm
So I told you with a smile, PAUSE

It’s all about you


A            F#m      Bm               E
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
A            F#m      Bm               E
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
A            F#m      Bm               Dm
It’s all a - bout you,    it’s all a - bout you baby
It’s all about you,     

We also have 14 songs by McFly

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